Here are the vote results for the Unit A 2023-2025 Contract Ratification.
Unit B Settlement Agreement 2023
Hi All Unit B members,
Please take the next several days to look through this document and see what questions you may have about it. On Tuesday, May 30th, at 6PM there will be a zoom meeting where the TA will be explained in more detail and questions can be asked and answered.
After the meeting on the 30th, a new email for the vote will be sent out through SurveyMonkey. Again, if you get this email directly but do not get the SurveyMonkey email, please check your Spam, Social, and/or, Promotions folders. The survey will be open for 24 hours to allow for adequate time to consider your vote and cast it.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact your building rep and they should be able to point you in the right direction!
Matt Wroth, Union Vice President
Unit B Settlement Agreement (5-23-23)Unit A Tentative Agreement for 2023-2025
Hi All Unit A members,
Below, you will find the Tentative Agreement for the 2023-2025 contract. Please take the next several days to look through this document and see what questions you may have about it. On Tuesday, May 30th, at 3:45 in the Westfield Middle School cafeteria, there will be a general membership where the TA will be explained in more detail and questions can be asked and answered.
After the meeting on the 30th, a new email for the vote will be sent out through SurveyMonkey. If you do not receive direct emails from me, please contact your building reps and they should be able to point you in the right direction!
Unit D Old Contract Info
Unit B Old Contract Info
Unit A Old Contract Info
Old Contact Documents
Unit A Salaries 2014-2016
All Based upon the 14-16 Contract
Unit A Contract 2014-2016 (This is the main body of the contract)
Unit A Contract 2016-2019 (This was the new contract added on)
STAT Team Member Stipend MOA (This was added on)
Aviation Lead Teacher Position MOA (This was added on)
Near-Future Retirement MOA (This was added on)
Unit A Salary Schedules (These are the old schedules for 16-19)
Unit D Settlement Agreement
This is a link to the Unit D Settlement Agreement which will be discussed at a general membership meeting on Wednesday, January 19th, with voting occurring on Friday, January 21st between 6AM and 4PM. Links for the the Meeting and Vote will come through personal email.